David Popovici (20 de ani), campionul olimpic, mondial și european la natație, a dezvăluit că sportul pe care îl practică nu e unul ieftin. Înotărorul de 20 de ani a declarat că slipul pe care îl poartă la concursuri costă 400 de euro, un preț pe care nu orice sportiv îl poate plăti. El a atras atenția că este nevoie de finanțare, sponsorii apărând doar după realizarea unei performanțe. David Popovici: „Slipul pe care îl folosesc e 400 de euro. ...
The text highlights that David Popovici, a successful swimmer, relies on and values a specific accessory. The passage implies that this accessory is expensive and therefore requires financial resources to acquire, posing a question of accessibility for those without significant means.
Essentially, the main idea is that success like David Popovici's might depend on having access to expensive equipment, raising questions about financial barriers to achieving similar success.
The text highlights that David Popovici, a successful swimmer, relies on and values a specific accessory. The passage implies that this accessory is expensive and therefore requires financial resources to acquire, posing a question of accessibility for those without significant means. Essentially, the main idea is that success like David Popovici's might depend on having access to expensive equipment, raising questions about financial barriers to achieving similar success.